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Staying in the Present

03/19/2018 10:13 AM | John Davis (Administrator)

The Best Laid Plans

Our last meeting was a barrel of laughs!  Thanks, Melissa Kornhaus our presenter for reminding us of the importance of presence and equanimity.  Much went “wrong” from the start.  After my 11:00 client walked out the door, I picked up my phone to notice a crazy bunch of messages, mostly trying to tell me that our regular venue, The Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach in Boynton did not have a room for us.  OMG ! Someone’s mistake!  After a breathless few minutes, I got back on the phone and located a room nearby.  We were graciously hosted by The Holiday Inn Express off Congress in Boynton.  Everyone in attendance headed over the the new space, only to experience a long and hungry delay for lunch to be delivered.  Seems our caterer placed our order in the hands of a new guy…and you know the rest !

Staying Present

No one missed the irony of the day’s topic:  “Mindfulness” and it’s immediate relevance to all our experience that day.  Everyone stayed cool and kept their sense of humor.  ( I mostly did!) and we got to enjoy a great presentation by Melissa to a small group of die hard fans.  My favorite set of ideas from that morning remain with me:  point of view is everything!  How we look at and interpret events unfolding, especially adversity, will create our entire experience.  It’s not just sometimes that way.  It’s always that way !

Come Back Soon! 

We see a lot of presenters and they all do a great job.  This one was special for so many reasons, most important, the gracious and thoughtful way Melissa helped us through it!  See you again soon !

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