New Drugs of Choice: Trending Substances to Beware of Today
Dr. Beau A. Nelson, DBH, LCSW
Description: Participants will learn and understand current drugs that are abused and how they work, physical and mental consequences, and reasons for concerns. For clinicians this is important so they can more confidently diagnose and respond to client needs around SUD.
Learning Objectives:
- Participants will be able to identify current drugs of abuse,
- Participants will understand symptoms and characteristics of current drugs of abuse,
- Participants will learn improved skills for threat identification,
- Participants will be better able to assess and refer clients as needed.
CEU Workshop Agenda
11:00 am Registration and networking
11:30 am Self-introductions
Noon Presentation starts
12:45 pm Lunch and networking
1:15 pm Presentation continues
2:15 pm Workshop ends
2.0 General CEU Hours
Dr. Beau A. Nelson, DBH, LCSW
Dr. Nelson is a passionate advocate for quality mental health and substance abuse treatment. As Chief Clinical Officer at FHE Health, a nationally recognized behavioral health treatment provider, he ensures quality, innovation, and comprehensive treatment for patients. Dr. Nelson has worked in the behavioral health field for more than 22 years. He has served as a clinical director, clinician, and supervisor for mental health programs in acute, sub-acute, and outpatient facilities, and in primary care. He has devoted his life to improving the professional practice as a professor, professional development instructor, consultant, clinical supervisor, and internship supervisor working with many universities and colleges.
He is also a widely recognized speaker, writer, and community advocate for mental health and substance abuse innovation in healthcare. He works closely with government entities, unions, employers, and community organizations to meet the behavioral health needs of their communities. He is also dedicated to working with first responders and addressing their unique needs through education, trainings, and crisis response. Dr. Nelson is a Doctor of Behavioral Health and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who is a Board Approved Supervisor in Florida and Texas. He specializes in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Integrated Behavioral Healthcare, maximizing medical, psychiatric, Neuroscience, and clinical interventions for maximum benefit.
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